AdSense Pays Billions Each Year – 6 Tips Away to Getting Your Share

Marketers have more than one potential road to revenue. One of those would be Google’s AdSense, even though a few people have argued at times that it’s a PPC (Pay Per Click) prototype. They claim that it would take several ‘clicks’ to compare to the same revenue you could achieve with a lone affiliate sale. And, that rings a little true.
But, not all websites are created for the same purpose, even affiliate programs.
Websites are not always developed for selling a product, such as computer software, or a service, such online backup programs. There are several informative sites also on the Internet, and could be for reviews, or blogs.
Let’s talk about blogs for a moment. A while back I did some work for Joan Mylchreest, creating some backlinking for her website, She worked for years at an interior design company, until they succumbed to bankruptcy. Joan knew that she could draw from all of her experience working in wall design and create her own Internet business.
Joan, like many other people, had knowledge and experience that was highly sought after. It was her knowledge, not necessarily her labor or products that people wanted. So, she created her own site.
Great and Easy Steps in Getting Started
Before I go any further, I would like to discuss how easy it is to create a quality website, with WordPress. You can build your own professional site with the multitude of plugins and themes they offer, easily.
Plugins from WordPress will allow you to optimize your site with perks such as contact forms for readers to communicate with you, as well as ad management and imaging.
These will not only allow for an easy development of your site, but also help significantly in maintaining it. Take for example the ad management plugin…ads that expire will be automatically dropped from your site. This means you won’t have to waste valuable time in doing it manually.
Many of their options will help you with time management, allowing you to dive into other areas that require your attention. Think of the time you can spend on creating quality content, if you aren’t tied to basic maintenance issues with your site.
For beginners to the experienced, WordPress is there to show you
how to create a website that will make you proud.
Affiliate Products Not Always Enhanced with a Wide Reach
When someone considers working with SEO, they need to keep in mind the use of their keyword, or keyword phrase. Placing it directly in the domain name is ideal. An example would be Joan’s keyword phrase, which is ‘wall décor’. That is a very broad term, considering that it could be wallpaper, paintings, mirrors, and just about anything that might be considered wall décor, even if you don’t.
My point is that with a wide-reaching keyword, or keyword phrase, it can bring in a large variety of people searching for a particular product. This isn’t necessarily going to bring a lot of benefit to you, if you are selling an actual item, or service.
The Flip Side of That Coin…
If your site is an informative site, such as review or blogs, then you might be interested in bringing this amount of traffic to it, especially if you utilize AdSense. They soak it up and bring loads of traffic with it, especially if the content is high quality. In fact, the more pages, the better. AdSense advertisers love the opportunities that multiple, high quality pages can bring their way.
It’s a fairly simple process. AdSense scans pages for the keywords, or keyword phrases which have been purchased by advertisers, and in turn could bring them more business. And, if your content is well-written, the keywords can be easily placed with a natural flow.
However, if you want to take it up a notch, read on…
Take Your Website up a Notch for Maximum Results
Anytime you want to create, or update your website, each page should be looked at carefully, regardless of what type of your site is…informative, or sales. Google can do some amazing things for your site, such as boost your ranking and profits from advertising. However, the following tips can boost your chances even more:
- Place your keyword, or keyword phrase, directly within your page title.
- Include your keyword/phrase in the meta description. This description is often placed by Google directly below your link, so focus on creating a special write up (160 characters) that will catch the eye of your targeted audience. If you don’t create your own, Google will simply take the first 160 characters from your original content.
- Headlines are important enough to warrant special attention. Place your keyword phrase in your h1, h2, as well as h3 tags.
- Google has the capability of sending traffic your way based on your images as well. So, place your keyword/phrase into the alt text of your images so they can direct the appropriate audience to your site.
- Keyword placement is important. It has to be natural, but effective. It should be placed relatively quickly (within first 90 characters), and also in the last paragraph. If the content is written well, it could also be within the body, in a natural flow. However, be careful to not go over 2% density.
- Linking, both Internal and external will help with the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). An anchor text with keyword can lead traffic to an outside site. You can also direct traffic to another page in your own site, with an internal link.
These tips might sound simple. But, that’s because they are. Google is there to help you with ranking and profits from AdSense, if you just follow the basic tips I shared above.
If I could say just one more thing, it would be that even if you don’t want to get involved with AdSense, make sure you pay close attention to your keyword placement, and quality of content. If are selling a specific product or server, yet the keyword is too broad, you are opening the door to unnecessary traffic…and potentially lots of it.
Now that you know my take on it all, hopefully it will help you to bring your site to new levels.
Jason Monroe is a successful freelance writer and Internet entrepreneur who has used his skills to help others
make a website and become proficient in their careers as well.